The sweet secret of German Chocolate Cake is all in the layering: first chocolate, then coconut, caramel, vanilla... and finally more chocolate. Timothy's German Chocolate Cake coffee layers the same fresh-baked aromas adding up to one sweet cup. Have your cake and drink it too!
- Medium roast coffee, flavoured.
- Rainforest Alliance Certified.
- 24 K-Cup® pods per box.
Keurig and K-Cup are registered trademarks of Keurig Green Mountain Inc.
More Info
- Peel lid and dispose.
- Empty contents or compost.
- Recycle in select locations where number #5 can be recycled.
Some municipalities require additional steps. May not be recyclable in your area.
100% Arabica coffee, natural and artificial flavours
How to Brew
Compatible for use with Keurig K-Cup Brewers (including Keurig 2.0).